Wednesday, October 19, 2016

1st Group Assignment:

Logical Mind Map (www) :

Logical Mind Map (Brain) :

Title : " Brain Works Equally Like Web "



Both the brain and the World Wide Web (WWW) process information.Brain is the central organ of the nervous system that located in the head of human and protected by skull. It is one of the largest and complex organ in human body and more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connection called synapses. A lot parts and function of brain such as,

    Cortex, thinking and voluntary movement.

    Stem , breathing and sleeping.

    Cerebellum, coordinate and balance.

    Frontal lobes, problem solving and judgement.

    Temporal lobes, memory and hearing.

On the other hand World Wide Web (WWW) is referred to website which holds information. The World Wide Web receives input form a user and processes that input and yields results to the user. The world wide web links computers over Ethernet cables, fiber-optic cables, or satellite links, and the Web uses hypertext links to connect one page to others.The reason World Wide Web is equal to brain (www = brain) is in the field 9 (or area) of communications. When one sends an email  to someone, it must pass through various intermediate domains before reaching the recipient. Similarly, in the case of human brain when a person sees something for example, information has to pass in a certain sequence from the retinas in your eyes to the visual cortex in your brain (in the occipital lobe of whichever eye is seeing at the time).

In conclusion, even though we are using webpages in our research, we must try to use our brain to differentiate between the truth and false information. It is indeed arguably obvious that the brain and the World Wide Web are equal. The software is also upgrading day by day to become more advance and real. Video game has its own advantage and disadvantage. It is the user who must know how to control themselves or to set a time period for their video games.

Random Keyword : Books


Knowledge: Facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally

Words: Word allows us to read the book
Page: one side of a sheet of paper in a book
Size: The size of book is the height and width of its cover.

Part: A book is divided into different pats.

Author: is a writer of a book.

Editor: a person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a book

Illustrator: a person who draws or creates pictures for books.

School: place where you study

Reader: people who go through the sentences

Imagination: ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through 
senses such as sight, hearing, or other senses.

Language: always find the webpages that you can understand the language.

Contents: the content in the webpages must be perfect.

Interesting: there is a lot of interesting and accurate content of websites.

Facts: Facts content in websites is the most preferable content because the will distribute with the reason.

 Expert: if you don’t have any idea, always find anyone or even your friend who is expert in identifying the content.

Year: always take the information that is updated to the latest timing because information can always change especially in internet.

Title: if the title is not same as the topic you search, just ignore it.

Logical: the content in website must be logic and reasonable.

The Link :

Brain: Part of human body responsible for memory retention.

Web: It connects people around the globe.

Media: Online media helps spreading messages all across the world.

Network:  networking for business purposes, educational purposes and others are easy

Friends: It is easy to make new friends via social websites like Facebook.

Interaction: we can learn how to communicate and interact with people of different cultures.

Memory card: a chip that stores information

Skills: we can learn new skills or can find new ways to do things.

Information: It is easy to find information about anything on the web.

Juxtaposition :

This picture defines the concept of Juxtaposition using a very small imagery concept. From books knowledge is generated and stored in brain. A person can widen his knowledge by reading books, surfing the website going to school and many more. It symbolizes that knowledge is everywhere. We just have  to look for it. The brain is the storehouse for all the information that we collect. So we can easily relate all these things. When Google is merged with our brains it makes one complete brain for one person.  Google is a  kind of brain which thinks logically and is based on a proper knowledge base which has answers of most of the world questions.


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